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Search Results for: "Amielynn Abellera"

Cover of Dauntless

Book: Dauntless

By Elisa A. Bonnin | Narrated by Amielynn Abellera

“Be dauntless, for the hopes of the People rest in you.” Seri’s world is defined by very clear rules: The beasts prowl the forest paths and hunt the People. The valiant explore the unknown world, kill the beasts, and gain…

Cover of Damned If You Do

Book: Damned If You Do

By Alex Brown | Narrated by Amielynn Abellera

Seven years ago, Cordelia Scott’s abusive father left without a word, and life has been normal ever since. The seventeen-year-old spends her days stage managing the school play (which is going great, if anyone asks), pining over her best friend,…